Windows NT Command

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Definition of Windows NT Command in Network Encyclopedia.

What is Windows NT Command?

Windows NT command is a command that can be typed at the Microsoft Windows NT command prompt, usually to perform an administrative action. You manage most Windows NT services by using GUI-based administrative tools, but some administrative tasks can also be performed at the command prompt. You can also save Windows NT commands in a text file and run them as a batch file.

Windows NT Command
Windows NT Command

Windows NT commands are grouped into several categories:

  • MS-DOS configuration commands: For configuring an MS-DOS environment to run MS-DOS applications. These commands include buffers, country, device, devichigh, dos, dosonly, driveparm, echoconfig, fcbs, files, install, lastdrive, ntcmdprompt, shell, stacks, and switches. 
  • MS-DOS subsystem commands: For backward compatibility with MS-DOS applications. These commands include append, backup, debug, edit, edlin, exe2bin, expand, fastopen, graphics, loadfix, loadhigh, mem, nlsfunc, qbasic, setver, and share. 
  • Windows commands: Include commands for administering and configuring aspects of the Windows NT operating system. Some of the more commonly used Windows commands are listed in this entry’s first table. 
  • TCP/IP commands: Utilities associated with the TCP/IP protocol stack. These commands are listed in this entry’s second table. 
  • OS/2 configuration commands:For configuring the operating system environment for applications that run using the OS/2 subsystem of Windows NT. These commands include codepage, devinfo, libpath, and protshell. 
  • Net commands: For starting, stopping, and configuring networking services. 
  • Batch commands: Used only within batch files for automating system tasks. These commands include call, echo, endlocal, for, goto, if, pause, rem, setlocal, and shift. 
  • Filter commands: For sorting, viewing, and selecting portions of a command’s output. These commands include find, more, and sort. 
  • Redirection symbols: For redirecting the input or output of a command to something other than standard input or output. These symbols include >, <, >>, and |. 
  • Conditional processing symbols: Allow you to issue multiple commands from the same command prompt and to act based on the results of the commands’ execution. These symbols include &, &&, ||, ( ), and ^. 

Windows Commands

assocDisplays or modifies file extension associations
atSchedules commands and programs to run on a system at a specified time and date
attribDisplays or changes file attributes
caclsDisplays or modifies the access control lists (ACLs) of files
chdir (cd)Displays the name of the current directory or changes the current directory
chkdskDisplays a disk status report and corrects errors on the disk
clsClears the screen
cmdStarts a new instance of the Windows NT command interpreter
compactDisplays and alters the compression of files or directories
convertConverts file allocation table (FAT) volumes to NTFS
copyCopies one or more files to another location
dateDisplays the date or allows you to change the date
del (erase)Deletes specified files
dirDisplays a list of a directory’s files and subdirectories
diskcopyCopies a floppy disk
diskperfStarts and stops system disk performance counters
doskeyCalls the doskey program, which recalls Windows NT commands, edits command lines, and creates macros
exitQuits the command interpreter and returns to the program that started it
formatFormats a disk to accept Windows NT files
helpProvides online information about Windows NT commands
mkdir (md)Creates a directory or subdirectory
moveMoves one or more files to a specified directory
ntbooksAccesses online Windows NT manuals
promptChanges the Windows NT command prompt
rename (ren)Changes the name of a file or files
rmdir (rd)Deletes (removes) a directory
startOpens a separate window to run a program or a command
timeDisplays the system time or sets the computer’s internal clock
treeDisplays the directory structure of a path or disk
typeDisplays the contents of a text file
verDisplays the Windows NT version number
volDisplays the disk volume label and serial number
winntPerforms an installation or upgrade of Windows NT 4
winnt32Performs an installation or upgrade of Windows NT 4
xcopyCopies files and directories, including subdirectories

TCP/IP Commands

arpDisplays or modifies the IP-to-MAC-address translation tables
fingerDisplays user information on a system running the finger service
ftpTransfers files to or from a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server
hostnamePrints the name of the current computer (host)
ipconfigDisplays current TCP/IP network configuration values
lpqObtains status of a print queue of a Line Printer Daemon (LPD) server
lprPrints a file to an LPD server
nbtstatDisplays protocol statistics and current NetBEUI TCP/IP (NBT) connections
netstatDisplays TCP/IP protocol statistics and connections
nslookupDisplays information from Domain Name System (DNS) name servers
pingVerifies connections to a remote computer
rcpCopies files to or from a system running rshd
rexecRuns commands on remote computers running rexec
routeDisplays or modifies network routing tables
rshRuns commands on remote computers running rsh
tftpTransfers files to or from a system running tftp
tracertDisplays the route taken to a remote host on an internetwork


Microsoft Windows 2000 commands are essentially the same as those for Windows NT, with additional commands for services specific to Windows 2000.


To see a list of all Windows NT commands and view their syntax, choose Help from the Start menu, select the Index tab, type commands , select Windows NT, and click Display.

See also
