Directory Hierarchy

Directory Hierarchy is the hierarchy of all containers and leaf objects in a Microsoft Exchange Server directory, which is displayed and configured using the Exchange Administrator program.

What is Directory Hierarchy?

The hierarchy of all containers and leaf objects in a Microsoft Exchange Server directory, which is displayed and configured using the Exchange Administrator program. This hierarchy is based on the directory recommendations given by X.500.

Graphic D-25. Directory hierarchy.

How it works

The Exchange directory hierarchy begins at a root object called the Organization container, and then branches down into sites, servers, connectors, recipients, and other objects. To configure any object in the directory hierarchy, you use its property sheet.

Objects in the directory hierarchy of Exchange come in two types:

  • Containers, which can contain other directory objects. Containers usually also have configurable properties.
  • Leaf objects, which are end nodes in the directory tree and whose properties can be configured using their property sheets.